This seems to me like a conceited man who grew up spoiled in an 'actors' household. His father, Martin Sheen was acting in TV and films before Charlie was born. I think that at a young age, Charlie figured out that he was on a higher level than everyone else, or that he was more privelaged. Some people might completely disagree with me, but I think he is full of himself and believes he can do whatever he wants. He knows that whatever happens, he will still be rich and famous. We see young teen celebrities like Lindsey Lohan and Britney Spears, celebrities who have been famous since they were little, getting into trouble and spinning out of control. It is different when you are a middle-aged man, and you are still finding your life out of control.
Who really knows if he threatened Brooke Mueller and had a knife or not. She has a criminal past with two arrests for driving under the influence and cocaine. Maybe it is a match made in heaven. I think it is a recipe for disaster. The night the alleged 'domestic violence' took place, both Sheen and Mueller had beend drinking. However, Sheen's alcohol level was .04, while Mueller's was .13. So was Brooke telling the truth? Or is all of this just the alcohol talking? The truth may never come out about what happened that night.
I honestly don't think it's fair the way some of these Hollywood actors behave. They can be on top of the world, and then just waste what they have. Instead of doing something they love and enjoying their lives and their families, they have to create these obstacles for themselves. All of these things have major effects on their families, and makes their lives more difficult. One would think that Charlie is tired of this kind of publicity and embarrassment, but something tells me he really just doesn't care.
Here is a photo of the 'then' happy couple and their new twin boys. They are both under a court order not to see each other, but are scheduled to attend a hearing on February 8th to discuss the incident further.
Thanks for reading,
ReplyDeleteOn March 15th, Sheen attended court and pleaded guilty to the two misdeamor, and one felony charge. He is scheduled to appear in court again, on June 18th. Sheen's lawyers are hoping to have everything he was accused of dismissed as evidence. Their reasoning for that is because they claim Sheen was not read his rights during the December fiasco.